The Elk Saga!

Ever since we arrived in Seaside, people have told us about the elk.  Coworkers would bring in pictures of the elk in their neighborhoods, yards, and in the road on the way to work.  There are plenty of signs on 101 warning drivers of the elk and yet I never saw them!  One day while driving back from the grocery store, I saw one on the side of the road but because we were going 55 and there was lots of traffic I did not get to stop and look at it.  Everyone talked about how big they were and that a herd of about 100 hangs in the area.  I wanted to see them!  One of my friends from work called me one afternoon and said the elk were in her yard and I was welcome to come over and see them.  By the time we got there we could see them but they were a little ways off.  Ever since then, we randomly ride up to her neighborhood to see if we can see them.  Well, we finally got lucky.  One of the surgeons texted me that the elk were in her neighborhood.  When I got off work, Scott and I drove out there only to find they were gone.  We decided to drive to another neighborhood that is frequented by the elk and we struck gold.

We pulled over and I got out of the car to walk over to see them in a field.  A lady came out of her house and asked if the elk were out.  I thought she was going to fuss about us stopping in front of her house.  She told me how annoying she thought the elk were because they eat her flowers and poop everywhere.  Her neighbor came out and joined in the conversation.  They tell me we can get closer if I want.  They walk me out a little ways to see them closer.  Then the lady tells me if I drive over just one street that’s where they are and she would try to scare these in that direction.   I drive right over and sure enough there they were.  So cool.

The next day, a friend from work texted me that there were elk right in Seaside right off 101.  Scott and I were riding our bikes to the farmers market so we just made a slight detour.  When we got there the elk had gone to the other side of the trees.  We didn’t attempt to get any closer because there were some people really close and the elk seemed to be getting agitated and they were all male with large antlers.

I hoped they would come back into the field, but they crossed they crossed the river.  We rode our bikes over to the road on the other side of the river to try to see them better.  When we got to the field, there was a lady in her car stopped looking at them.  She pulls up to me and starts talking about them.  Scott stayed far away until the lady left.  Haha. She told me I was welcome to pull into her driveway to try to see them better.

I really enjoyed seeing them so close.  Hopefully I will get to see them more before we leave!

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