It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas is fast approaching and there is a lot going on. We had a work party at a friends house. We played games, drank, had a sock exchange, ate, and just had a great time. Here are a few pictures from the work party.

That same weekend on Saturday, our friend Dana came to visit us. Southport had a lot going on as part of their holiday celebrations so we were able to take part in a few of them. We first went to an arts and craft festival in town. Afterwards, Dana and I went to a local winery and did a tasting. We were able to enjoy some wine and catching up. Once we finished our tasting, we went to get Scott and the three of us rode bikes to the waterfront. I decorated all of our bikes with Christmas lights. Several people made comments about our lights (which kinda embarrassed Scott a little). American Fish (which is closed for the season) opened up for one night so people could enjoy the flotilla. We were able to get good seats for the flotilla but it was soooo cold. Here are some pics.

Sunday, Dana and I did some shopping in town. We very much enjoyed our first visitor since we’ve been settled.

Creepy Santa and Mrs Clause in one of the shops.

She brought us a housewarming gift and it looks amazing on our shelf that we just finished.

We had a gift exchange at work. We played a dice version of white elephant. It was a lot of fun.

I spent the weekend before Christmas in Rockingham baking with my mom. It’s a yearly tradition that we have and I missed it last year due to being in Washington. We spent the entire day baking so that we could prepare plates to deliver to our neighbors.

On Christmas Day, we were able to see everyone even though it was brief. I only got a few pictures.

On our way to Rockingham on Christmas Eve, we stopped to get lunch at Jersey Mikes. The manager happened to be behind the counter. He noticed Scott’s shirt and liked it so much that he gave us free cookies. Haha. Scott May have been a little embarrassed. Lol

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