Freeport and Mackworth Island

Today, we went to Freeport, ME. It is listed on the must sees of Maine. It is home of the flagship store of LL Bean. The store is huge and in multiple buildings. We also walked around and visited several other stores in the area. No shortage of shopping there.

We had lunch at a local Tavern and then headed for dessert. Apparently, a Maine staple, woopie pies. The store had lots of different flavors and sizes. Scott got chocolate mint and I had lovely lemon. They were good.

Our next stop was another on the list of must sees. It was the Big F Indian. Supposedly, the F stands for Freeport. Haha

After we finished in Freeport, we headed back to Mackworth Island (this time with hats, gloves, balaclavas, and spikes). It wasn’t nearly as windy this go around, but it was a lot colder (a cool 21 degrees). Ice wasn’t an issue this time because there was several inches of snow for us to walk through. It was beautiful! We were able to finish the 1.5 mile walk around the island.

Also: I love the snow! It’s so pretty! They only called for an inch or two this time and we got about 8. Don’t think Scott was very happy about it because it meant that he had to get up and shovel the driveway at 6am in 4 degree (without windchill) temperatures. He did a good job! I was able to get out and get to work! By the time we leave here, he’ll have shoveling down to a science and I’ll be really good at driving in the snow.

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