Driving Through the Desert and Death Valley

We got up and got an early start to make our way to Las Vegas.  On the way, I wanted to make one stop in Death Valley.  The roads in the desert are so long and so straight.

Happy Birthday to Scott!

On our trip we passed warning signs for all kinds of animals.  There were signs for cattle, deer, donkey, pronghorns, and mountain goats.  Despite all of these signs, we only encountered one of the animals.  Donkeys!  They were just hanging out in the road.

Death Valley was so neat!  It was oh so hot also!  Scott was so nervous riding through this park.  We stopped at one of the visitors centers and at that point we were 190 feet below sea level and it was 121 degrees!

I guess in the middle of the desert people are willing to pay a premium for gas.

We made it up to Dante’s View.  The last bit of the road was uphill a 15% grade on a narrow road.  The car didn’t really like that but we made it safe and sound.

Now we continue to Sin City.