Next Stop…Southport, NC

Our home for the next 13 weeks will be the cute little beach town of Southport, NC. I guess you can say we like the coast since every one of our assignments has been right at the coast. We went down to secure our place to live and take a quick look at the town. It looks like it will be a pretty neat place to be for the summer.

How fitting that this is right at the end of the road we will be living on and right next to it is a cheese shop!

This is the hospital where I will be working.

While we were visiting, we went to the next town over of Oak Island to take a short walk on the beach. It was very pretty but there were lots of jellyfish on the sand.

We enjoyed our visits we were able to have with family and friends before we head to the coast.

We will miss everyone but we will be close enough for frequent visits!