Waterfront Fun

We go for a walk or bike ride almost every evening down to the waterfront. Sometimes we find an Adirondack under the live oaks, sometimes we enjoy a swing along the walkway, other times we just walk around or find a spot at the American Fish Company. No matter where we end up, there is always good people, bird, and ship watching.

Here are some pictures along our walks.

My new friend, the pelican. He was so content just sitting on the post and enjoying all of the people coming to admire him.

We went to the American Fish Company to enjoy a live blues band. Here are some of the boats that we saw while we were out there.

We rode our bikes down to the water to watch a storm roll in. We stayed until we felt a drop or two of rain and we made it back home just before the bottom dropped.

After making it home and once the storms passed, the sky looked like it was on fire. This is the view from our balcony.

Scott says:

I have been going down to the water to watch the big ships come in and out. I have only been doing it for a couple of days, but it has been neat seeing the different types of vessels. Here are some that I have seen so far:

One of the Pilot boats coming back from retrieving the river pilot.
Headed out to sea, with the Pilot boat going to retrieve the pilot about 3 miles out.
Shot through my monocular, coming in from the Atlantic.
Same ship as above, just closer.
Another one headed out to sea, just for scale.
And same ship as above pic, just closer.