Halloween and October Fun

We have had some beautiful weather this Fall. Some friends and I decided to take advantage of it one evening and head on down to American Fish to listen to a band and hang out.

We had a Halloween party at work. These are some of the spooky dishes that people brought. I made the “ground beef” Rice Krispie treats.

Also at work, the hospital held a no carve pumpkin decorating contest. They wanted it reflect our department. We made ours a robotic shark named SeamOR Bone-a-part. How does this reflect the operating room? We have been doing 10+ robotic assisted total joints every week. This robot is called a Mako (as in Mako shark). Sadly, our pumpkin did not win any of the categories.

Southport once again had the witch bike ride this year. My friends Liz and Bobbie joined me. Scott tagged along also as our support. He came in handy on several occasions, chains falling off, handlebar malfunctions, etc. This year we had the most people we’ve ever had (about 80). We even had a golf cart or two and a station wagon join along with us. We rode around town cackling and laughing, stopping at 5 or 6 bars along the way. We ended the evening at American Fish where there was a good band playing for their Halloween Party.

My friend Nicole hosted a Halloween party at her house this year. Scott and I dressed as a Deer in Headlights. He was the deer and I was the headlights on the road (it was a last minute decision). We all brought food and drinks and had a spooky good time.

Here are just a few pics of our Halloween decorations at home. We had the most trick or treaters ever this year, 32! I’d like to think that people are coming for the decorations. We also added full size candy bars this year. Scott and I built a faux fence and archway that we painted black and decorated. The top was painted “Enter if you dare” in red letters. We had lots of skeletons, lights, strobes, sound effects, and a fog machine. We got told several times throughout the evening that people loved our house and/or we had the best decorations they had seen. It was a lot of fun to interact with the kids and even some of the parents. Lots of kids were very interested in our skeleton dogs. They barked and growled when touched and that scared quite a few of them. Mother Nature tried to ruin the evening with some rain which caused me to have to bring in some of the non weather proof sound machines and lights. The rain quit just in time for trick or treating. Overall, a successful evening.

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