OR Christmas Party

Friday night was Wades Jewelers annual block party. Scott and I went and then Carolina met us there. We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine and listened to the band for a little bit.

Our Christmas party was once again held at Craig’s house this year. This time we did not have to leave early unexpectedly. There was lots of good food and even a margarita machine. We played a couple of games. One, where we had to blow up balloons and stuff them in pantyhose to create antlers and one where we tied a cup around our waist with a ball hanging from it, and we had to try to get the ball in the cup without hands. There was lots of laughing! After the party we took Carolina home and Liz, Daniel, Scott, and myself continued the party at the Tiki Tavern. After having a drinks there, we came back to my house to have a fire in the fire pit. Too bad we hadn’t covered the wood when it rained the day before. So no fire for us.

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