2nd Annual Adult Field Day

The second annual adult field day took place this weekend at Nicole and Kim’s house.  We had perfect weather despite a pre event downpour.  This year we had 3 teams.  The events were 1: Marble Toes – we had to use our toes to grab marbles from a pool.  Some marbles were bonus points, some were negative points, and we didn’t know which were which until the end.  2: Head to Belly water pass – someone layer on the ground with a bowl and the rest of the team poured water into that bowl from a cup on their heads.  First team to fill the bowl was the winner.  3:  Relay – we balanced a frisbee on a pool noodle for a short distance and then had to jump hurdles of increasing height followed by running up the inflatable slide and sliding down before the next member of the team could go.  4:  Slip n Slide bowling – there were inflatable bowling pins at the end of the slip n slip and we had to knock them down with our bodies.   There was also lots of pool time.  They arranged for Sunset Slushie to be there for a couple of hours also.  It was a tasty refreshing treat for a hot day.  We played beer pong, flip cup, tic tac toe and spent lots of time on the inflatable slide.  We have the best group of people to hang out with.   There’s always lots of laughs and good times.  Hopefully this is a tradition we continue.  

*no serious injuries occurred during the event.